Palmerston BESS Artist Impression

Artists Impression

The artist’s impression provides a visualisation of how the BESS could look. The image is indicative only and is subject to change.

Project Timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Development - Site Selection

    During this phase, potential sites for the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) are identified and evaluated based on criteria such as proximity to existing electrical infrastructure, environmental impact, land use, and community acceptance. Once the optimal site is chosen, this milestone is marked as complete.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Development - Feasibility

    In this phase, a detailed assessment is conducted to determine the technical, economic, and environmental viability of the project. This includes analysing energy needs, grid connection possibilities, financial modeling, and risk analysis. Upon confirming that the project is feasible, the milestone is considered complete.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Development - Planning & Approvals

    This phase involves preparing and submitting planning applications to relevant authorities. It includes community consultation, environmental impact assessments, and seeking approval from local councils and other regulatory bodies.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Development - Post DA Lodgement

    After the Development Application (DA) is lodged, this phase focuses on responding to any feedback or conditions set by the authorities. The project team ensures all requirements are met and finalises preparations for the delivery phase. Completion occurs when the DA is successfully processed.

  • Timeline item 5 - active

    Delivery - Pre-Construction

    In this current phase, the project team prepares for the start of construction. This includes finalising designs, securing contractors, and arranging logistics. The transition to actual construction is carefully planned, and the project is now on track for physical implementation.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Delivery - Construction

    This phase will involve the physical building of the BESS, including site preparation, installation of equipment, and connection to the grid. Safety, quality control, and timelines are crucial. This milestone will be reached once the BESS is fully built.

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete


    After construction, the BESS will become operational, providing energy storage and discharge as required by the grid or local energy needs. Monitoring and maintenance are ongoing to ensure efficiency and safety. This milestone will be reached once the BESS is fully operational.

  • Timeline item 8 - incomplete


    At the end of the BESS's operational life, this phase involves safely dismantling and removing the equipment, restoring the site, and responsibly disposing of materials. This ensures minimal environmental impact and compliance with regulatory standards.

The Palmerston BESS will aim to provide system strength and inertia services to the Tasmanian region, supporting the connection of new renewables as part of Tasmania’s 200% renewable objective.

As a responsible company that champions low-carbon growth, Akaysha strongly considers the environment where we work and live. It is a critical part of our project development to carefully choose appropriate sites within our host communities.

The Palmerston BESS has a number of characteristics that make it an ideal site.

  • Adjacent to Palmerston Terminal Station reduces the need for long distance power lines and visual impacts
  • Significant distance to closest dwellings
  • Relatively flat topographical conditions
  • Low flora and fauna values due to historic agricultural land use
  • Located outside regional settlement areas of Poatina and Cressy
  • Close to the electricity grid with access to TasNetworks’ transmission lines
  • Access to main roads for the transportation of project infrastructure
  • Located in the T3 Central Highlands Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) as proposed by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

Visual Impact Mitigation Planting

Proposed View: What the battery will look like without vegetative screening Proposed view with mitigation planting

Map of Palmerston Substation

Previous & Upcoming Community Engagement Sessions

Saturday 23 September 2023 10:00 am to 02:00 pm

Community Engagement Session

Poatina Community Hall, 12 Gordon St, Poatina TAS